在随机子集总和问题中,给定$ n $ i.i.d.随机变量$ x_1,...,x_n $,我们希望将[-1,1] $ in [-1,1] $的任何点$ z \作为合适子集的总和$ x_ {i_1(z)},...,x_ {i_s(z)} $的$,最多$ \ varepsilon $。尽管有简单的陈述,但这个问题还是理论计算机科学和统计力学的基本兴趣。最近,它因其在人工神经网络理论中的影响而引起了人们的重新关注。该问题的一个明显的多维概括是考虑$ n $ i.i.d. \ $ d $ - 二维随机向量,目的是近似于[-1,1]^d $的每个点$ \ Mathbf {z} \。令人惊讶的是,在Lueker的1998年证明,在一维设置中,$ n = o(\ log \ frac 1 \ varepsilon)$ samples $ samples $ samples具有很高可能性的近似属性,在实现上述概括方面几乎没有进展。在这项工作中,我们证明,在$ d $ dimensions中,$ n = o(d^3 \ log \ frac 1 \ varepsilon \ cdot(\ log \ frac 1 \ frac 1 \ varepsilon + log d d))$ samples $ sample近似属性具有很高的概率。作为强调该结果潜在兴趣的应用程序,我们证明了最近提出的神经网络模型表现出\ emph {通用}:具有很高的概率,该模型可以在参数数量中近似多项式开销中的任何神经网络。
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我们提出了Blenderbot 3,这是一个175B参数对话模型,能够通过访问Internet和长期内存进行开放域对话,并接受了大量用户定义的任务的培训。我们同时发布了模型权重和代码,还将模型部署在公共网页上,以与有机用户进行交互。该技术报告描述了该模型的构建方式(建筑,模型和培训计划)以及其部署的细节,包括安全机制。人类评估表明,它优于现有的开放域对话代理,包括其前身(Roller等,2021; Komeili等,2022)。最后,我们使用部署收集的数据详细介绍了持续学习的计划,该数据也将公开发布。因此,该研究计划的目标是使社区能够研究通过互动学习的不断改进的负责任的代理商。
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在人类生活的最初阶段,沟通被视为社会互动的过程,始终是达成当事方之间达成共识的最佳方法。在此过程中的理解和可信度对于相互协议的验证至关重要。但是,如何做到这一沟通才能达到巨大的群众?当寻求的是信息及其批准时,这是主要的挑战。在这种情况下,本研究介绍了ALT软件,该软件是由适应葡萄牙语的原始可读性指标开发的,以减少通信困难。该软件的开发是由哈贝马斯(Habermas)的沟通行动理论激励的,哈贝马斯(Habermas)使用多学科风格来衡量与公众建立和维持与公众建立和保持安全健康关系的沟通渠道中话语的可信度。 - 没有est \'agio da vida humana a comunica \ c {c} \ 〜ao,vista como um como um como um como de intera \ c {c} \ 〜ao社交,foi semper o melhor caminho para para para o consenso Entre作为partes。 o entendimento e credibilidade nesse processo s \ 〜Ao Fundamentais para para que o acordo m \'utuo seja seja valyado。 Mas,Como faz \^e-lo de forma que essa comunica \ c {c} \ 〜ao alcance a grande massa? eSse \'o principtal desafio que se busca \'e difus \ 〜ao da informa \ c {c} \ 〜ao a sua aprova \ c {c {c} \ 〜ao。 Nesse Contectiono,Este estudo apresenta o Software Alt,desenvolvido a partir de m \'eTricas de legibilidade originais aDaptadas para a l \'ingua polduguesa,dispon \'ivel'ivel na web,para reduzir,dificuldades na comunica na comunica \ comunica \ c \ c} AO。 O desenvolvimento do software foi motivado pela teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas, que faz uso de um estilo multidisciplinar para medir a credibilidade do discurso nos canais de comunica\c{c}\~ao utilizados para construir e manter uma rela\c{c } \ 〜Ao Segura E Saud \'avel com o p \'ublico。
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压力溃疡在ICU患者中具有很高的患病率,但如果以初始阶段识别,则可预防。在实践中,布拉登规模用于分类高风险患者。本文通过使用MIMIC-III V1.4中可用的数据调查了在电子健康中使用机器学习记录数据的使用。制定了两个主要贡献:评估考虑在住宿期间所有预测的模型的新方法,以及用于机器学习模型的新培训方法。结果与现有技术相比,表现出卓越的性能;此外,所有型号在精密召回曲线中的每个工作点都超过了Braden刻度。 - - les \〜oes por按\〜ao possuem alta preval \ ^ encia em pacientes de Uti e s \〜ao preven \'iveis ao serem endicidificadas em Est \'agios Iniciais。 na pr \'atica materiza-se a escala de braden para classifica \ c {c} \〜ao de pacientes em risco。 Este Artigo Investiga o Uso de Apenizado de M \'Aquina Em Dados de Registros Eletr \ ^ Onicos Para Este Fim,Parir Da Base dados Mimic-III V1.4。 s \〜ao feitas duas contribui \ c {c} \〜oes principais:uma nova abordagem para a avalia \ c {c} \〜ao dos modelos e da escala da escala de braden levando em conta todas作为predi \ c {c} \ 〜oes feitas ao longo das interna \ c {c} \〜oes,euro novo m \'etodo de treinamento para os modelos de aprendizo de m \'aquina。 os结果os overidos superam o estado da arte everifica-se que os modelos superam意义a escala de braden em todos oS pontos de Opera \ c {c} \〜〜ao da curva de precis \〜ao por sensibilidade。
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在这项工作中,研究了来自磁共振图像的脑年龄预测的深度学习技术,旨在帮助鉴定天然老化过程的生物标志物。生物标志物的鉴定可用于检测早期神经变性过程,以及预测与年龄相关或与非年龄相关的认知下降。在这项工作中实施并比较了两种技术:应用于体积图像的3D卷积神经网络和应用于从轴向平面的切片的2D卷积神经网络,随后融合各个预测。通过2D模型获得的最佳结果,其达到了3.83年的平均绝对误差。 - Neste Trabalho S \〜AO InvestigaDAS T \'Ecnicas de Aprendizado Profundo Para a previ \ c {c} \〜ate daade脑电站a partir de imagens de resson \ ^ ancia magn \'etica,Visando辅助Na Identifica \ c {C} \〜AO de BioMarcadores Do Processo Natural de Envelhecimento。一个identifica \ c {c} \〜ao de bioMarcarcores \'e \'util para a detec \ c {c} \〜ao de um processo neurodegenerativo em Est \'Agio无数,Al \'em de possibilitar Prever Um decl 'inio cognitivo relacionado ou n \〜ao \`一个懒惰。 Duas T \'ECICAS S \〜AO ImportyAdas E Comparadas Teste Trabalho:Uma Rede神经卷应3D APLICADA NA IMAGEM VOLUM \'ETRICA E UME REDE神经卷轴2D APLICADA A FATIAS DO PANIAS轴向,COM后面fus \〜AO DAS PREDI \ C {c} \ \ oes个人。 o Melhor ResultAdo Foi optido Pelo Modelo 2D,Que Alcan \ C {C} OU UM ERRO M \'EDIO ABSOLUTO DE 3.83 ANOS。
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We address the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation when the source domain differs from the target domain because of a shift in the distribution of a latent subgroup. When this subgroup confounds all observed data, neither covariate shift nor label shift assumptions apply. We show that the optimal target predictor can be non-parametrically identified with the help of concept and proxy variables available only in the source domain, and unlabeled data from the target. The identification results are constructive, immediately suggesting an algorithm for estimating the optimal predictor in the target. For continuous observations, when this algorithm becomes impractical, we propose a latent variable model specific to the data generation process at hand. We show how the approach degrades as the size of the shift changes, and verify that it outperforms both covariate and label shift adjustment.
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We introduce the Conditional Independence Regression CovariancE (CIRCE), a measure of conditional independence for multivariate continuous-valued variables. CIRCE applies as a regularizer in settings where we wish to learn neural features $\varphi(X)$ of data $X$ to estimate a target $Y$, while being conditionally independent of a distractor $Z$ given $Y$. Both $Z$ and $Y$ are assumed to be continuous-valued but relatively low dimensional, whereas $X$ and its features may be complex and high dimensional. Relevant settings include domain-invariant learning, fairness, and causal learning. The procedure requires just a single ridge regression from $Y$ to kernelized features of $Z$, which can be done in advance. It is then only necessary to enforce independence of $\varphi(X)$ from residuals of this regression, which is possible with attractive estimation properties and consistency guarantees. By contrast, earlier measures of conditional feature dependence require multiple regressions for each step of feature learning, resulting in more severe bias and variance, and greater computational cost. When sufficiently rich features are used, we establish that CIRCE is zero if and only if $\varphi(X) \perp \!\!\! \perp Z \mid Y$. In experiments, we show superior performance to previous methods on challenging benchmarks, including learning conditionally invariant image features.
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Explainability of a classification model is crucial when deployed in real-world decision support systems. Explanations make predictions actionable to the user and should inform about the capabilities and limitations of the system. Existing explanation methods, however, typically only provide explanations for individual predictions. Information about conditions under which the classifier is able to support the decision maker is not available, while for instance information about when the system is not able to differentiate classes can be very helpful. In the development phase it can support the search for new features or combining models, and in the operational phase it supports decision makers in deciding e.g. not to use the system. This paper presents a method to explain the qualities of a trained base classifier, called PERFormance EXplainer (PERFEX). Our method consists of a meta tree learning algorithm that is able to predict and explain under which conditions the base classifier has a high or low error or any other classification performance metric. We evaluate PERFEX using several classifiers and datasets, including a case study with urban mobility data. It turns out that PERFEX typically has high meta prediction performance even if the base classifier is hardly able to differentiate classes, while giving compact performance explanations.
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The detection and prevention of illegal fishing is critical to maintaining a healthy and functional ecosystem. Recent research on ship detection in satellite imagery has focused exclusively on performance improvements, disregarding detection efficiency. However, the speed and compute cost of vessel detection are essential for a timely intervention to prevent illegal fishing. Therefore, we investigated optimization methods that lower detection time and cost with minimal performance loss. We trained an object detection model based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) using a dataset of satellite images. Then, we designed two efficiency optimizations that can be applied to the base CNN or any other base model. The optimizations consist of a fast, cheap classification model and a statistical algorithm. The integration of the optimizations with the object detection model leads to a trade-off between speed and performance. We studied the trade-off using metrics that give different weight to execution time and performance. We show that by using a classification model the average precision of the detection model can be approximated to 99.5% in 44% of the time or to 92.7% in 25% of the time.
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